Talofa, Hello. My name is Sascha Oldehaver and this is my first blog as Whanau Leader of Rata. Week Four's Value was Respect, thinking of others first and putting yourself second. As a newly chosen Whanau Leader, I thought that this was an important thing to think about as I am now a role model to my peers. On Monday we welcomed back our principal Mr. Pepper. I am glad to see him at school again and recovering fast. On Tuesday all Whanau Leaders went to Waitemata Rugby Club to learn about the 'Olympic Values' and team build together. I enjoyed gathering with other schools and participating in different games, like Aussie Rules Football and skipping. We got to see DJ Forbes, who spoke to us about P.A.D.S - Passion, Attitude, Discipline and Sacrifice. I am grateful that our Whanau Leaders were given this chance to improve our leadership skills. On Wednesday, two teams from St. Dominic's went to Eastdale Reserve in Avondale for T-Ball, coming back with 3rd and 4th...