Charism Charism is a gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church, communicated through a particular person who gathers disciples around him or her and with whom he or she translates a bold vision into action. Charism is a living passion for whatever dimension of the life of Christ is missing now - peace, truth, mercy ... It is the heart of the founder/foundress that was aglow at one period of history, beating on in us in another day and age. It is ever-changing ... it is where the reign of God is needed most. It develops from age to age and dies from age to age ... and then grows up in a new way. Dominicans all over the world continue to draw upon the charism of St. Dominic in serving as preachers of the Gospel. To be a Dominican is to be part of a family that includes cloistered nuns, ordained and non-ordained friars, religious sisters, and laity. Dominicans are formed throughout their entire lives according to the f...